Black and White or Color Printing? How to Pick the Right One for Your Project

Black and White or Color Printing? How to Pick the Right One for Your Project

When people are faced with the choice between printing in black and white or color, they sometimes make their decision based on assumptions such as thinking that color printing is always better or that black and white printing is the only way to get a good price. In reality, however, both color and black and white printing have their place, and there are certain times when one is a better choice than the other. If you’re choosing between black and white and color printing, here are some things to consider when making your decision.


Who is your audience?

The audience who will be viewing your materials can help to guide your decision. For example, if you’re a nonprofit printing up materials in order to attract corporate donors, you may wish to print in color, to help bring attention to your materials and your cause. If you’re printing materials for people who are already familiar with your organization, then black and white may be the right choice.


How long do you have for the printing job?

If you’re on a deadline, choosing between black and white and color can affect your timeline. Black and white offers the fastest turnaround time, so if you’re in a crunch, opting for it can help to speed up the process. If you know you want color printing, be sure to leave enough time for the job to be completed.


Is your design text- or image-heavy?

If your design is driven by text, then it may not make sense to get color printing. However, if your design is image-heavy, or if you have an image in your design that you want your audience to see in detail, such as a new product, then color printing is likely to be the right choice for you.


Reproductions, Inc. can answer your questions about printing options and help you find the most effective solution for your needs. Contact our printing company in Tucson today by calling (520) 622-7747.